Now here's the deal. Harry Hernandez spoke of two separate products. One that's $29.95 per month - I think that one is for website access. The other was $79.95 and is for a 30-day supply of BromaCleanse. Both would be automatically charged to my account (isn't that convenient) unless I called to cancel my subscription. Huh.
I was told that we'd be charged $3.34 for shipping and handling and that I needed to call the 1-866 number the following morning because not very many people actually won the gift card. We went ahead with the order - any $100 before Christmas is great - right?.
I had a gift card with about 4 bucks and change still on it. Hello - I'm not completely naive.
So - now I just need to call another 1-866 number within 10 days to cancel my subscription if I'm not completely satisfied. Now here are my questions:
- 10 days from when? The day we made the call? The day they shipped the product? The day we received the product? The day we actually took the product - which I'm thinking may be some kind of diarhea inducing pill, and who would really want that?
- Are those 10 days calendar days or business days?
- What are the two separate charges? Do I need website access? I don't think I'm going to be going to your website to figure out why I can't get away from my porcelain goddess for more than 10 minutes at a time - I'm fairly sure I'd quit taking the product and then head to my nearest ER if that didn't fix things.
- Why did the $3.34 show up in two separate charges? I've got one for $1.56 to DETXHLTH in Salt Lake City and one for $1.78 to CLEANDIET in Riverton.