
January Funk

Somewhere in my mind is an amazingly well written post about the doldrums of January. But - it's just not happening. Kind of like the storm that was supposed to clear the gunk out of the Salt Lake Valley air...

Last night I got to talk to my dear friend, April, for almost an hour. Our boys were doing their things in the background, and we still talked for 56 bittersweet minutes.

Today I read about my cousin cleaning out her closet (something that really needs to be done at my house).

Two of my boys are at school. Carson and Jon are playing Rock Band until Carson leaves for school.

All I want to do is quilt, read with Griff, perhaps take a trip to Hobby Lobby or a quilt shop, do a puzzle, build a Lego Milennium Falcon with Evan, conjure up some choc chip cookies, talk to Carson after school, and go on a date with my hubby.

Sounds like a good day huh? It's 9:11 am. Think I can make it happen?

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